Algal Group: Cryptophytes (Cryptophyta)
asymmetrical, oval-shaped cells; 15-40 µm; two flagella
Indian River and Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 99% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 100% in 120 samples taken
acceptable food item for clams
very common throughout Florida, but seldom found as major bloom-former
Algal Group: Cyanobacteria or Blue-Green Algae (Cyanophyta)
cylindrical cells; can form filamentous colonies; filaments usually wider than 6 µm
Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 0% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 1% in 120 samples taken
Good; Bad
acceptable food item for clams
Most planktonic forms are not harmful; however, some benthic forms, which have been found in the water column, have been associated with toxins (e.g., Lyngbya majuscula).
Normally found in freshwater, but appears in brackish/coastal waters after heavy rainfall and freshwater discharge.
Algal Group: Cyanobacteria or Blue-Green Algae (Cyanophyta)
spherical cells; 1-7 µm in diameter; form flat rectangular colonies
Indian River and Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 3% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 0% in 120 samples taken
acceptable food item for clams
Normally found in freshwater, but appears in brackish/coastal waters after heavy rainfall and freshwater discharge.
Algal Group: Cyanobacteria or Blue-Green Algae (Cyanophyta)
spherical cells; 1-6 µm in diameter; form irregularly shaped colonies
Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 0% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 26% in 120 samples taken
Good; Bad
acceptable food item for clams
Some of these species have been associated with the production of hepatotoxin, which can negatively affect the digestive system of animals. Toxicity of local strains has not been confirmed.
Normally found in freshwater, but appears in brackish/coastal waters after heavy rainfall and freshwater discharge. Extreme bloom events can be associated with reduced oxygen levels in the water column.
Algal Group: Cyanobacteria or Blue-Green Algae (Cyanophyta)
cylindrical cells; 2-15 µm diameter; can form filamentous colonies
Indian River and Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 5% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 0% in 120 samples taken
acceptable food item for clams
Normally found in freshwater, but appears in brackish/coastal waters after heavy rainfall and freshwater discharge.
Algal Group: Cyanobacteria or Blue-Green Algae (Cyanophyta)
spherical cells; < 3 µm in diameter
Indian River and Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 97% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 100% in 120 samples taken
Good; Bad
acceptable food item for clams
Can be too small to be captured by clam gills.
Very often numerically the most abundant algae. May not be as important in terms of biomass compared to diatoms or dinoflagellates, but can form major blooms.
Algal Group: Cyanobacteria or Blue-Green Algae (Cyanophyta)
oval-shaped cells; 1-3 µm wide, 5-10 µm long
Indian River
Indian River: 27% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 0% in 120 samples taken
Good; Bad
acceptable food item for clams
Some species in this genus have been shown to produce amphidiniols, compounds with hemolytic (lyse red blood cells) properties, but reports from the natural environment are rare.
Very often numerically the most abundant algae. May not be as important in terms of biomass compared to diatoms or dinoflagellates, but can form major blooms.
Algal Group: Diatoms (Bacillariophyta)
oblong shape with indent in central portion of cell, cells can appear twisted; 25-150 µm long
Indian River and Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 9% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 36% in 120 samples taken
acceptable food item for clams
Algal Group: Diatoms (Bacillariophyta)
cylindrical cells; 30-100 µm long, 22-35 µm wide; form ribbon-like chains
Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 0% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 23% in 120 samples taken
acceptable food item for clams
Algal Group: Diatoms (Bacillariophyta)
cylindrical cells with short spines at terminal ends; 10-40 µm diameter; can form chains
Indian River and Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 9% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 38% in 120 samples taken
acceptable food item for clams
major bloom-former; blooms can occur any time of year, but most common in fall and spring
Algal Group: Diatoms (Bacillariophyta)
cylindrical cells (appear rectangular); 4-84 µm wide; single or chains, spines (setae) at corners
Indian River and Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 34% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 44% in 120 samples taken
Good; Bad
acceptable food item for clams
Some species have long silica spines that can damage bivalve gills.
resting spores common; major bloom-former; blooms can occur any time of year, but most common in fall and spring
Algal Group: Diatoms (Bacillariophyta)
cylindrical cells; 12-20 µm diameter; can form chains connected by small central process
Indian River and Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 16% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 17% in 120 samples taken
acceptable food item for clams
major bloom-former; blooms can occur any time of year, but most common in fall and spring
Algal Group: Diatoms (Bacillariophyta)
cylindrical cells; 5-16 µm diameter; forms chains, multiple chloroplasts
Indian River and Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 7% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 34% in 120 samples taken
acceptable food item for clams
major bloom-former; blooms can occur any time of year, but most common in fall and spring
Algal Group: Diatoms (Bacillariophyta)
linear, leaf-shaped, oblong cells, numerous morphological variations within genus; 15-80 µm long, 4-10 µm wide
Indian River and Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 28% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 45% in 120 samples taken
acceptable food item for clams
Algal Group: Diatoms (Bacillariophyta)
spindle-shaped or rectangular cells, can have flexible, long tapering ends, numerous morphological variations within genus; 5-100 µm long, 5-20 µm wide
Indian River and Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 84% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 76% in 120 samples taken
Good; Bad
acceptable food item for clams
Some species in this genus have been shown to produce amphidiniols, compounds with hemolytic (lyse red blood cells) properties, but reports from the natural environment are rare.
Algal Group: Diatoms (Bacillariophyta)
cylindrical cells; 10-110 µm wide; small horns at each pole, joined in straight or zig-zag chains, some species solitary
Indian River and Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 13% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 68% in 120 samples taken
acceptable food item for clams
major bloom-former; blooms can occur any time of year, but most common in fall and spring
Algal Group: Diatoms (Bacillariophyta)
cylindrical cells; generally 25-30 µm diameter; joined in chains
Indian River and Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 36% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 74% in 120 samples taken
acceptable food item for clams
Algal Group: Diatoms (Bacillariophyta)
rectangular cells, can have pointed ends; >25-100 µm long; joined in stepped colonies of overlapping cell ends
Indian River
Indian River: 49% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 0% in 120 samples taken
Good; Bad
acceptable food item for clams
Some species have been associated with production of domoic acid, a neurotoxin responsible for Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP). Toxicity of local strains has not been confirmed.
Algal Group: Diatoms (Bacillariophyta)
cylindrical cells; 4-20 µm diameter; singular or joined in chains ending in needle-like structures
Indian River and Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 23% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 73% in 120 samples taken
acceptable food item for clams
major bloom-former; blooms can occur any time of year, but most common in fall and spring
Algal Group: Diatoms (Bacillariophyta)
cylindrical cells; 2-21 µm diameter; joined in chains by delicate external threadlike processes
Indian River and Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 47% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 51% in 120 samples taken
acceptable food item for clams
major bloom-former; blooms can occur any time of year, but most common in fall and spring; extreme bloom events can be associated with reduced oxygen levels in the water column
Algal Group: Diatoms (Bacillariophyta)
rectangular cells; 10-110 µm long, 2-8 µm wide; single or joined into zig-zag or star-shaped colonies
Indian River and Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 28% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 41% in 120 samples taken
acceptable food item for clams
major bloom-former; blooms can occur any time of year, but most common in fall and spring
Algal Group: Diatoms (Bacillariophyta)
cylindrical cells; generally 7-20 µm diameter; singular or joined in chains by threads
Indian River and Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 17% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 73% in 120 samples taken
acceptable food item for clams
resting spores known for some species
Algal Group: Dinoflagellates (Dinophyta)
has many different forms, one rounded end and one end with two lobes; 40-80 µm long; central nucleus; one transverse flagellum and one longitudinal flagellum
Indian River
Indian River: 23% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 0% in 120 samples taken
acceptable food item for clams
major bloom-former; blooms can occur any time of year, but most common in warm months; extreme bloom events can be associated with reduced oxygen levels in the water column
Algal Group: Dinoflagellates (Dinophyta)
oblong cells; < 20 µm; one transverse flagellum and one longitudinal flagellum
Indian River
Indian River: 5% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 0% in 120 samples taken
Good; Bad
acceptable food item for clams
This species has been shown to produce amphidiniols, compounds with hemolytic (lyse red blood cells) properties, but reports from the natural environment are rare.
Algal Group: Dinoflagellates (Dinophyta)
pentagonal cells with three long horns, one on top portion and two on bottom; 35-70 µm long, 30-45 µm wide at girdle
Indian River and Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 59% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 53% in 120 samples taken
acceptable food item for clams
Extreme bloom events can be associated with reduced oxygen levels in the water column.
Algal Group: Dinoflagellates (Dinophyta)
oblong cells; approximately 70 µm long; well-developed wing-like structure (sulcal list) on side
Indian River and Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 41% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 29% in 120 samples taken
Good; Bad
acceptable food item for clams
This species has been associated with production of okadaic acid, the toxin implicated in diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP). Although the species has been observed in the Suwannee Estuary and Indian River Lagoon, toxicity of local strains has not been confirmed.
Algal Group: Dinoflagellates (Dinophyta)
pear-shaped cells with horn on top portion; 40-60 µm long, 25-40 µm wide; girdle (cingulum) descends 1.5 x width
Indian River and Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 20% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 1% in 120 samples taken
acceptable food item for clams
Extreme bloom events can be associated with reduced oxygen levels in the water column.
Algal Group: Dinoflagellates (Dinophyta)
rounded cells; 21-32 µm diameter; girdle (cingulum) descends approximately 2 x width
Indian River and Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 5% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 18% in 120 samples taken
acceptable food item for clams
Extreme bloom events can be associated with reduced oxygen levels in the water column.
Algal Group: Dinoflagellates (Dinophyta)
rounded cells; < 20 µm; displaced central girdle
Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 0% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 48% in 120 samples taken
acceptable food item for clams
Algal Group: Dinoflagellates (Dinophyta)
spindle-shaped cells; 40-200 µm long; displaced central girdle
Indian River and Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 31% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 43% in 120 samples taken
acceptable food item for clams
Algal Group: Dinoflagellates (Dinophyta)
rounded cells with elevated central portion; 18−45 μm; central girdle; formerly known as Gymnodinium breve
Indian River and Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 2% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 6% in 120 samples taken
Good; Bad
acceptable food item for clams
This species has been associated with production of brevetoxin, a neurotoxin responsible for neurotoxic shellfish poisoning (NSP).
major bloom-former; blooms can occur any time of year, but most common in warm months; K. brevis blooms do not survive <24 ppt salinity; blooms start offshore on the midshelf and are associated with physical features such as currents and upwelling areas; K. brevis is capable of existing in low-nutrient waters because it is efficient in processing nutrients
Algal Group: Dinoflagellates (Dinophyta)
arrowhead-shaped cell; < 20 µm
Indian River and Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 6% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 34% in 120 samples taken
acceptable food item for clams
Algal Group: Dinoflagellates (Dinophyta)
barrel-shaped cells; > 50 µm long
Indian River
Indian River: 12% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 0% in 120 samples taken
acceptable food item for clams
Algal Group: Dinoflagellates (Dinophyta)
heart-shaped cells; 35-70 µm long, 20-50 µm wide
Indian River and Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 58% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 63% in 120 samples taken
Good; Bad
acceptable food item for clams
This species has been associated with production of okadaic acid, the toxin implicated in diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP). Toxicity of local strains has not been confirmed.
Extreme bloom events can be associated with reduced oxygen levels in the water column.
Algal Group: Dinoflagellates (Dinophyta)
triangular-shaped cells; < 20 µm
Indian River and Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 18% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 33% in 120 samples taken
Good; Bad
acceptable food item for clams
This species has been associated with shellfish mortalities in other parts of the world (i.e., Chesapeake Bay), but the exact mode of toxicity is unclear.
Algal Group: Dinoflagellates (Dinophyta)
spherical cells; average 43 µm diameter; have a wing-like structure (list) that encircles the entire diameter, found individually or in pairs
Indian River
Indian River: 17% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 0% in 120 samples taken
Good; Bad
acceptable food item for clams
This species has been associated with production of saxitoxin, a suite of toxins responsible for Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP). The toxin has been observed in the tissues of some fish species in Florida. However, unlike the Pacific form of Pyrodinium bahamense (i.e., var. compressum), which has been implicated in the deaths of numerous people via the consumption of tainted seafood, no human incidents of severe saxitoxin exposure have been documented in Florida.
major bloom-former; blooms occur from April - November; a truly tropical species; the IRL is the northern-most region in North America where major blooms of P. bahamense var. bahamense have been observed
Algal Group: Dinoflagellates (Dinophyta)
rounded, pear-shaped cells; 16-36 µm long, 20-23 µm wide
Indian River and Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 8% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 21% in 120 samples taken
acceptable food item for clams
Algal Group: Euglena (Euglenophyta)
oblong cells; 45-70 µm; one or two flagella; can have many chloroplasts
Indian River and Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 10% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 6% in 120 samples taken
acceptable food item for clams
grows well in organically enriched waters
Algal Group: Euglena (Euglenophyta)
oblong cells; 20-120 µm; two flagella; can have many chloroplasts
Indian River and Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 9% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 24% in 120 samples taken
acceptable food item for clams
grows well in organically enriched waters
Algal Group: Green Algae (Chlorophyta)
spherical or oval-shaped cells; 5 µm in diameter; solitary or clustered (e.g., Chlorella)
Indian River and Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 4% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 2% in 120 samples taken
acceptable food item for clams
Algal Group: Green Algae (Chlorophyta)
oval-shaped or crescent-shaped cells; approximately 3 µm wide, 20 µm long; appear in colonies of 2-32 cells, joined with long axes parallel, can have spines at ends
Indian River and Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 3% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 0% in 120 samples taken
acceptable food item for clams
Algal Group: Phytoflagellates (Prasinophyta)
pyramid-shaped cells; 4-35 µm; four flagella
Indian River and Suwannee Sound
Indian River: 54% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 98% in 120 samples taken
acceptable food item for clams
Algal Group: Phytoflagellates (Raphidophyta)
asymmetrical cells with one pointed end; 30-50 µm long; two flagella
Indian River
Indian River: 2% in 116 samples taken
Suwannee Sound: 0% in 120 samples taken
Good; Bad
acceptable food item for clams
This species has also been associated with production of brevetoxin, a neurotoxin responsible for neurotoxic shellfish poisoning (NSP). Toxicity of local strains has not been confirmed.
grows well in organically enriched waters