A webinar that will outline the process to apply for and potentially obtain crop insurance coverage for farmed clams in Florida via the Aquaculture Dollar Plan Clams will be hosted by the USDA Risk Management Agency (RMA) Valdosta Regional Office at 3-4pm EST on October 6th. Jeanne Lindsey, Senior Risk Management Specialist, and Matthew Wilkin, Deputy Director will provide a brief overview of the current clam policy, how to locate a crop insurance agent, and the process for requesting coverage.
This fact sheet provides more details on the Aquaculture Dollar Plan Clams insurance program. While the fact sheet states that this program is only available in select counties in other states, it is still open for any FL clam farmer to apply. The key difference here is that any policy application would have to be underwritten by a private insurance provider, not by USDA directly.
The webinar will be held on Microsoft Teams and you can join using the link below.
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