Since 2000, the Cultivated Clam Crop Insurance Program has been available for aquaculturists in selected counties in Florida, South Carolina, Virginia, and Massachusetts. During this time, the pilot program has undergone several comprehensive reviews. Based on results of the most recent evaluation, the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation terminated the program for the 2015 and subsequent crop years in Florida. The program will remain as a pilot in other states until the USDA Risk Management Agency is able to complete the rulemaking process and convert it to a permanent program. The evaluation report can be found at Since crop insurance is no longer available in Brevard, Dixie, Indian River, and Levy Counties, clam growers are eligible for coverage through the USDA Farm Service Agency’s Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program, or NAP. The deadline to sign-up for crop year 2015 was in September; however, the deadline has been extended.