Shellfish Aquaculture Gear Workshop

Date: Wednesday, September 12th, 2018 1-5pm

Location: FWC Senator Kirkpatrick Marine Lab, 11350 SW 153rd Court, Cedar Key, FL

In partnership with the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation and NOAA’s Marine Debris Program, the FDACS Division of Aquaculture is hosting a workshop to discuss shellfish aquaculture gear management techniques and strategies to prevent gear loss. Guest speakers Charles Grisafi, of NOAA’s Marine Debris Program, and Bob Rheault, Executive Director of the East Coast Shellfish Growers Association, will discuss the importance of marine debris prevention as the shellfish aquaculture industry increases in size and begins utilizing new production methods and gear.

Informal group discussions of oyster and clam gear management techniques will be led by Dr. Bill Walton, MS-AL Sea Grant, and Leslie Sturmer, UF-IFAS. Each session will feature a panel of farmers that will discuss their personal experiences working with shellfish gear. The workshop will conclude with an overview of a recent aquaculture debris survey in Cedar Key, and the organization of a cleanup event on September 15th, to coincide with Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup.

Register online at:

For additional information, please contact: Charlie Culpepper at (850) 617-7600 or

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For a copy of the workshop flyer, click here.

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