Video recording of the the virtual webinar, ‘Trying to Explain Unexplained Cultured Oyster Mortalities in the Gulf of Mexico’ is now available.
To view visit:
- Increase knowledge of oyster farmers about what is known about oyster mortalities along the Gulf Coast and the effect of ploidy
- Increase awareness of current efforts to address mortality issues
- Seek industry input about what is being observed and priorities for future work
Welcome & Introductions: Leslie Sturmer, Bill Walton (5min)
What do we know about oyster mortalities? (40min)
Leslie Sturmer: Florida studies comparing diploid and triploid oysters
Bill Walton: Alabama studies comparing diploid and triploid oysters, and studying effect of handling
Jerome LaPeyre: Current studies in Louisiana and Alabama testing effect of broodstock in different environments
Joey Matt: Research findings in Chesapeake Bay
Ryan Carnegie: Considerations beyond triploid mortality
Q&A: Opportunity to ask questions, raise concerns, note observations (15 min)
Current efforts to address mortality issues (40min)
Tom Rossi: Development of new tetraploids
Huiping Yang: Development of Florida tetraploids and cryopreservation
Scott Rikard: Work at Auburn University Shellfish Lab
Kelly Lucas: SALT Consortium efforts
Brian Callam: Current work in Louisiana
Stan Allen: VIMS Breeding program efforts
Leslie Sturmer & Bill Walton: Collaborative efforts to evaluate field performance of triploids from different broodstock
Q&A: Opportunity to ask questions, raise concerns, note observations (15 min)
This webinar was provided by Florida Sea Grant, Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant, and Louisiana Sea Grant.

For more information contact:
Bill Walton:
Leslie Sturmer: