UF Food Science and Human Nutrition
Aquatic Food Products Lab
PO Box 110375
Gainesville, Florida 32611-0375
(352) 392-4221
(352)392-8594 fax
Primary work involved applied research and extension services in addressing all aspects of seafood product quality and safety from production through processing to retail and food services. Specific work with seafood producers, processors and handlers included identification and valuation of problem areas related to seafood safety (e.g., HACCP), quality assurance, sanitation, preservation, nontraditional product utilization, by-product utilization, waste management, and energy conservation. Assisted seafood producers, processors and handlers in understanding and complying with local, state and federal regulations. Used response demonstration/applied research to address problems in the processing and/or handling of Florida’s seafood and aquacultured products.
National Coordinator for Seafood HACCP Alliance training and basic sanitation courses; Executive Director for Seafood Science and Technology Society of the Americas; Coordinated annual Shrimp Schools for processors and agencies; Extensive work with processing aids to prolong product shelf-life, yield and safety; Member of National Academy of Sciences’ Seafood Safety Committee, EPA’s Committee on Mercury in Seafood, and the Association of Food & Drug Officials’ Seafood Technology Committee.