Microalgal Culture Workshop

When: January 30-31, 2019

  • Day 1: Wednesday, January 30, Registration (10:30 am), Sessions (11 am – 5 pm)
  • Day 2: Thursday, January 31, Sessions (8 am – 2 pm)

Where: FWC Senator Kirkpatrick Marine Lab, 11350 SW 153rd Court, Cedar Key, FL

A two-day Microalgae Culture workshop is being held to address interests in culture technology and techniques for molluscan shellfish hatcheries. Topics for presentations and hands-on demonstrations will address the following topics: Function of Microalgae, Mass-Culture Strategies, Nutrition of Bivalves, Chemical Ecology of Cultures, Phytoplankton as Bivalve Foods, Media preparation & Aseptic transfers and Quantification Methods. Dr. Gary Wikfors, Director of the NOAA Fisheries Laboratory in Milford, Connecticut (https://www.nefsc.noaa.gov/nefsc/Milford/), will lead workshop presentations and demonstrations. Funding for this workshop was provided through the NOAA Sea Grant.

Hatchery/ nursery operators and personnel are invited to attend. Registration is $25 and will include lunch for both days. To ensure there are adequate materials available for each person, please pre-register by January 25th, 2019. For more information and to pre-register contact: Leslie Sturmer (Phone: 352.543.5057, Email: Lnst@ufl.edu) or Dr. Huiping Yang (Phone: 352.294.0671, Email: huipingyang@ufl.edu) with the University of Florida/IFAS Molluscan Shellfish Aquaculture Program.

Click here to access a flyer outlining the event.

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