Microalgal Culture Workshop

hurricane prep

June 5-6, 2019

To address interest in microalgae culture and techniques for molluscan shellfish hatcheries, a two-day workshop was led by Dr. Gary Wikfors, Director of the NOAA Fisheries Laboratory in Milford, Connecticut. The workshop was co-hosted by Dr. Huiping Yang and Leslie Sturmer of the University of Florida/IFAS Molluscan Shellfish Aquaculture Program with funding provided through the NOAA National Sea Grant College Program.


Topics included:

  • Introduction to microalgae
  • Mass-culture strategies
  • Nutrition of bivalves
  • Quantification methods
  • Aseptic transfer & media preparation
  • Chemical ecology of microalgal cultures
  • Natural phytoplankton as bivalve food


Complete Microalgal Notebook includes:

  • Gary Wikfors Bio & Contact Info
  • Except: Microalgal Culture (Encyclopedia of Aquaculture, 2000)
  • Scoresheet for Microalgal Strains (Wikfors)
  • Counting Algal Cells Using a Hemocytometer (UF/IFAS Shellfish Program)
  • Excerpt: Quantifying Microalgal Feeds (Manual for Hatchery Culture of the Bay Scallop, 2001)
  • Proline F/2 Algal Food (Pentair)
  • Phytoplankton Culture for Aquaculture (SRAC 5004)
  • Common Phytoplankton Key (NOAA)
  • Phytoplankton Culture Manual Purchasing Information (Florida Aqua Farms)
  • Excerpt: Algae Culture (A Manual for the Culture of the Hard Clam Mercenaria in South Carolina; SCSG, 1997)
  • Microalgal Culture Protocol (Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution, 1996)
  • Algafeed Product Information (Algafeed, 2019)


DISCLAIMER: These videos are intended to present introductory information about microalgae to those culturing these organisms in the hatchery to feed young stages of shellfish. The videos are not intended as either an academic course on microalgal biology or complete training in culturing microalgae.

Speaker Introductions

Introduction to Microalgae

Introduction to Microalgae Continued

Function of Microalgae

Nutrition of Bivalves Part 1

Nutrition of Bivalves Part 2

Chemical Ecology

Natural Phytoplankton as Bivalve Foods


When: January 30-31, 2019

Where: FWC Senator Kirkpatrick Marine Lab, 11350 SW 153rd Court, Cedar Key, FL

A two-day Microalgae Culture workshop is being held to address interests in culture technology and techniques for molluscan shellfish hatcheries. Topics for presentations and hands-on demonstrations will address the following topics: Function of Microalgae, Mass-Culture Strategies, Nutrition of Bivalves, Chemical Ecology of Cultures, Phytoplankton as Bivalve Foods, Media preparation & Aseptic transfers and Quantification Methods. Dr. Gary Wikfors, Director of the NOAA Fisheries Laboratory in Milford, Connecticut (https://www.nefsc.noaa.gov/nefsc/Milford/), will lead workshop presentations and demonstrations. Funding for this workshop was provided through the NOAA Sea Grant. (more…)