NPR Story on Cedar Key Clam Farming

The Cedar Key clam farming industry received widespread attention when National Public Radio (NPR) broadcasted a story entitled Forced To Put Its Nets Away, One Florida Town Clams Up – Literally.

NPR reporter Greg Allen introduced the story: “For more than 150 years, Cedar Key has been an important fishing community. In the mid-1800s, a railroad ran here, carrying fish, oysters, sponges and other products to the East Coast. Today, instead of fishing, many here are farming. The cash crop is clams.” Interviewed were Jon Gill and Shawn Stephenson of Southern Cross Sea Farms, Sue Colson with the City of Cedar Key, and Leslie Sturmer, UF shellfish extension agent.

The NPR program which the Cedar Key story ran on, All Things Considered, reaches more than 12 million listeners each week. For the average quarter hour, the audience consists of 1.4 million listeners. The story ran three times for the East coast, Midwest and West coast, so more than 4 million people heard it on air. NPR has more than 1000 stations across the country and in every state. Their news show All Things Considered is the #4 most listened to radio program.

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