Sign-up for 2022 NAP crop policy by September 30

USDA FSAThe Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) can provide shellfish growers with catastrophic coverage for losses due to natural disasters. NAP is sold and serviced by your local USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) office. To find your county office, go to The basic catastrophic policy (CAT) provides coverage at 50% of the value of your inventory at 55% of the FSA established price. NAP is very affordable at $325 administrative fee for a CAT policy and FSA will waive this fee for beginning, veteran, historically underserved and limited resource farmers. Growers can purchase additional coverage at 50%, 55%, 60% and 65% protection at 100% of the FSA established price.

Also you will want to talk to your County FSA office about ELAP, a new disaster assistance program available to shellfish growers, before the next hurricane!

See fact sheets for NAP and ELAP for more information.

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