Understanding the USDA Farm Service Agency Programs for Shellfish Growers

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) is responsible for the delivery of federal farm programs to help producers manage risks and recover from disasters. The Noninsured Disaster Assistance Program, or NAP, provides financial assistance to growers of non-insurable crops to protect them against natural disasters that result in crop losses. Learn about coverage levels for the 2019 crop year, application deadlines, and which counties cover oyster crops. The 2017 Wildfires and Hurricanes Indemnity Program, or WHIP, provides disaster relief to agricultural and aquacultural producers. This funding helps replace losses occurred during the 2017 hurricane season. Learn about eligibility and other requirements. Heather Boyd, Agricultural Program Specialist at the state FSA office, and Brandy VanAernam, Director of the Gilchrist County FSA office, will be available to explain both programs and answer your questions.

When: Friday, August 24, 2018, 2:00 to 4:00 pm

Where: FWC Senator Kirkpatrick Marine Lab, 11350 SW 153rd Court, Cedar Key, FL

You can attend remotely! The workshop will be broadcast live via the Zoom app. Follow this link to tune in automatically: https://ufl.zoom.us/j/353208317. When you click the link, it will download the Zoom software (free). Or pre-download Zoom onto your tablet, laptop, or computer—it is user-friendly. You can also download Zoom’s mobile app to tune in via a smartphone.

For more information, contact: Leslie Sturmer (Phone: 352.543.5057, Email: Lnst@ufl.edu) or Natalie Simon (Phone: 352.543.1088, Email: nsimon921@ufl.edu) with the University of Florida/IFAS Shellfish Aquaculture Extension Program.

You can download the workshop flyer here.


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