The following videos cover a variety of topics pertaining to Molluscan Shellfish Aquaculture. The videos are a collection of workshops presented by the University of Florida (UF). Guest speakers from the following institutions include Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (DACS), Division of Aquaculture, Auburn University (AU), Louisiana State University (LSU), East Coast Shellfish Growers Association (ECSGA), other institutions, and industry representatives.
All workshop and informational videos can be found on the UF/IFAS Shellfish Aquaculture Extension YouTube channel.
Oyster Workshops | Clam Workshops | Clam Selective Breeding | Sunray Venus |Microalgal Culture | Florida Aquaculture Commodities
September 2013
Leslie Sturmer, UF; Portia Sapp and Kim Norgren, DACS; Bill Walton, AU
December 2013
John Supan, LSU; Bill Walton, AU; Rheal Savoie, OysterGro; Kent Ferguson, Go Deep International; Tom Rossi, 4Cs Breeding Company
September 2013
Dale Leavitt, Roger Williams University; Rick Karney, Martha’s Vineyard Shellfish Group; Sandy Macfarlane, Coastal Resources
May 2015
Robert Rheault, ECSGA; Martin May and Kim Norgren, DACS
May 2018
Huiping Yang, Leslie Sturmer, Carter Cyr, and Rusty Dame, UF
September 2018
Charlie Culpepper, DACS; Charles Grisafi, NOAA; Bill Walton, AU; Jeff and Reid Tilley, Oyster Boss
July 31, 2019
Leslie Sturmer, UF; Bill Walton, AU;
Erik Lovestrand, FL Sea Grant;
Charlie Culpepper, FDACS
January 2020
Floating Cage Field Trials from NC to LA, USDA SRAC Funded
May 2020
Bill Walton, AU; Leslie Sturmer, UF; Jerome LePeyre, LSU; Joey Matt, VIMS; Ryan Carnegie, VIMS; Tom Rossi, 4Cs Technologies; Huiping Yang, UF; Scott Rikard, AU; Kelly Lucas, USM; Brian Callam, LSU; Stan Allen, VIMS
March 2020
*Please note, some details in this video are specific to an Apalachicola lease area and don’t apply to new leases in other areas.
Portia Sapp,
FDACS Division of Aquaculture
Leslie Sturmer,
UF/IFAS, Shellfish Aquaculture Extension
May 2023
Credits: Rory MacNish (narration and video production); Jade Wu (script);
Loriann Cody (logo)
September 2018
Leslie Sturmer, UF; Bob Rheault, ECSGA; Mark DeHaven, DACS; Craig Parks, B&E Seafood; Heath Davis, Chris Toppings, Joe Cannon, CKAA
May 2023
Maturation and Spawning Techniques
To address interest in microalgae culture and techniques for molluscan shellfish hatcheries, a two-day workshop was held on June 5-6, 2019. Dr. Gary Wikfors, Director of the NOAA Fisheries Laboratory in Milford, Connecticut, led presentations and hands-on demonstrations. The workshop was co-hosted by Huiping Yang and Leslie Sturmer, UF/IFAS, with funding from the NOAA National Sea Grant College Program.
View the individual presentations listed below via the Microalgal Culture Workshop video playlist.
Sessions developed for the Cedar Key High School S.A.L.T. (Shark Aquaculture Life Training) Program during the Summer of 2018. The S.A.L.T program is designed to prepare students for careers in aquaculture by offering training in relevant vocational activities. To view presentation pdfs and handouts visit: Florida Aquaculture Commodities.
View the individual presentations listed below via the FL Aquaculture Commodities video playlist.