Welcome to the new and improved Online Resource Guide for Florida Shellfish Aquaculture.

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This site provides, through the University of Florida IFAS Shellfish Aquaculture Extension Program, information about shellfish farming and
related activities for the general public, growers, and others involved in the shellfish industry. A “news blog” is featured which provides
current information on a timely basis and replaces The Bivalve Bulletin newsletter. This site also includes updates on research and
extension projects, presentations from industry workshops, suppliers’ lists, and pertinent publications. Read More

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This site provides, through the University of Florida IFAS Shellfish Aquaculture Extension Program, information about shellfish farming and related activities for the general public, growers, and others involved in the shellfish industry. A “news blog” is featured which provides current information on a timely basis and replaces The Bivalve Bulletin newsletter. This site also includes updates on research and extension projects, presentations from industry workshops, suppliers’ lists, and pertinent publications. Read More


Topics »


Clam Workshops

What's in the Clam Bag

What Do Clams Eat?

Big Bend Shellfish Trail

Cedar Key Everlasting

Sunray Venus

Water Quality

Environmental Benefits

Farm Benefits Calculator

Oyster Demonstration Project

Oyster Culture

Latest News & Events »

  • Sign-up for NAP and ELAP by September 30


    The Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) and Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees and Farm-raised Fish Program (ELAP) can provide shellfish growers with catastrophic coverage for losses due to natural disasters. The deadline to sign-up for these programs and provide an acreage report is September 30 for coverage of crop…

    Position Announcement – Biological Scientist II

    UF FL Shellfish

    This position will serve as biological staff at the University of Florida/IFAS Shellfish Aquaculture Program.

    Save the Dates: Workshops on Risk Assessment and Management for Shellfish Growers

    Shellfish growers are confronted with many decisions incorporating various levels of risk throughout a production season. These workshops will help growers to assess and identify production, market, and legal liability risks; understand what crop insurance and disaster assistance programs are available to protect their operations from these risks; and learn…

    More news

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