This online course was developed in 2022 for beginning oyster growers and those interested in learning about the prospects of off-bottom oyster culture in the Gulf of Mexico region. Information pertaining to regulations, rules, suppliers, or other time-sensitive materials may not be current.
Four sessions provide participants with the basics of how to get started and grow a crop of oysters to harvest. These sessions are made available through collaboration with the University of Florida/IFAS Extension, Auburn University Shellfish Laboratory, and Mississippi-Alabama-Louisiana Sea Grant Programs. In each session, participants are introduced to specialists, extension agents, and resources at these institutions, along with experts in the shellfish aquaculture industry.
Each session consists of short (15 to 30-minutes) video presentations and resource links for additional information. Lesson-related handouts are available for download. You can start the course at any time and learn at your own pace.
Session 1: Getting Your Farm Started
This session provides information on oyster seed purchasing, site and other start-up considerations including gear selection and installation, planting strategies, start-up costs, risk factors, and business plan development.
Session 2: Meet the Gear Suppliers
Manufacturers and suppliers of off-bottom culture gear are featured in this session. Learn about the various gear types available to grow oysters.
Session 3: Growing a Crop of Oysters
This session focuses on oyster farm management with topics on biofouling control, stocking densities, common mistakes, and predators, pests and diseases. Additional topics include land-based nursery options, financial planning, inventory tracking, and storm preparation.
Session 4: Harvesting a Crop of Oysters
Harvesting and processing regulations for product safety are introduced in this session, along with marketing and product branding strategies.
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and does not end. It is a completely self-paced online course – you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
You have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like.
What if I have specific questions or am experiencing technical difficulties?
Emails of session presenters are provided for specific questions. You can also contact us via our websites.