Growing a Crop of Oysters

Welcome and Introduction of Instructors 


This session focuses on oyster farm management with topics on gear types, ploidy, stocking densities, biofouling control, common mistakes, and oyster health. Additional topics include land-based nursery options, enterprise budgets, stewardship, hurricane preparation, and disaster assistance programs. Federal and State agencies should be contacted to obtain current information. 

Meet Your Instructors

Natalie Anderson is a biologist whose work supports Florida’s shellfish aquaculture industry. She performs applied research to understand factors that can improve aquaculture operations and conducts public outreach.

University of Florida/IFAS Shellfish Aquaculture Extension


Brian Callam, Ph.D is director of the Grand Isle Oyster Research Lab where he oversees the Lab’s breeding and research programs. He has extensive experience working with triploid and tetraploid oysters.

Louisiana State University and Louisiana Sea Grant


Ellis Chapman works as a technician with the Harte Research Institute on research and education efforts aimed at establishing an oyster aquaculture industry in Texas.

Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi


Charlie Culpepper serves as assistant director of the Division of Aquaculture in the state agency that regulates the aquaculture industry in Florida.

Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services


Rusty Grice helps oyster farmers navigate requirements for starting farms. His focus is on making farmers be more successful as businesses. He also conducts an annual survey of existing farmers to study the economic impact of the industry in Alabama.

Auburn University Shellfish Lab


Andy Kane is an associate professor and director of the Aquatic Pathobiology Laboratory. He researches environmental pathology and toxicology of marine organisms to understand the effects of stressors on aquatic species.

University of Florida, Department of Environmental and Global Health

Bob Rheault is executive director of the East Coast Shellfish Growers Association, serving as an industry advocate and active member of the Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Conference.  

East Coast Shellfish Growers Association

Scott Rikard manages Auburn University’s shellfish hatchery on Dauphin Island. He oversees both hatchery research activities and commercial production of seed for the oyster culture industry in the Gulf of Mexico. He brings an applied approach and practical experience to setting up and running a hatchery.

Auburn University Shellfish Lab


Leslie Sturmer provides extension support to the molluscan shellfish industry in Florida. She conducts applied research in all phases of production management including genetic improvement, management strategies, and evaluation of alternative species for culture.

University of Florida/IFAS Shellfish Aquaculture Extension


John Supan for many years was a research professor at Louisiana State University (LSU) and director of LSU’s Sea Grant Oyster Hatchery in Grand Isle. Now retired, he co-owns and manages Navy Cove Oyster Company in Fort Morgan, Alabama, and operates Sea Farms Consulting.

Navy Cove Oyster Farm and Sea Farms Consulting


Bill Walton was professor, extension specialist, and director of Auburn University’s Shellfish Laboratory, where he was responsible for initiating an off-bottom oyster culture industry in Alabama and supporting industry development in other Gulf states. He currently is chair of the Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences shellfish aquaculture program.

Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences


USDA Farm Service Agency The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Farm Service Agency (FSA) is responsible for the delivery of federal farm programs to help producers manage risks and recover from disasters. Heather Boyd is an agricultural program specialist for the Florida FSA State Office.

USDA Farm Service Agency