
2020 Oyster South Symposium is Coming Soon

The 4th Annual Oyster South Symposium is being held on February 21-23, 2020 in Wilmington, North Carolina. Sponsored by Oyster South, Inc. (a non-profit dedicated to advancing oyster aquaculture in the southern US), this event brings together producers, gear suppliers, distributors, chefs, food writers, vendors, researchers, students and managers from the southeast region to discuss pressing issues and relevant, practical research on oyster aquaculture. Registration is now open and includes admission to all informational sessions (all day Friday and Saturday), all breaks, lunch on Friday & Saturday, the ‘Shuck and Tell’ on Friday night at Wrightsville Beach Brewery, a new awards

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Monthly Inventory Reports for USDA Farm Service Agency’s NAP Program

The USDA Farm Service Agency’s Noninsured Disaster Assistance Program, or NAP, requires clam growers to provide an inventory report at the beginning of the crop year, which is from September 1 through August 30 of the next year. Beginning in crop year 2020, clam growers are also required to maintain a monthly inventory. Monthly inventory records are to be kept up to date and submitted to the FSA county office by the 15th of each month for the prior month. Records are to be used for spot checks and in the event of a disaster occurrence. Failure to provide accurate

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Financial Assistance Programs: Workshop Presentations, Handouts, and Video Recordings

A workshop on financial assistance programs for shellfish growers was held on August 15 at the FSU Coastal and Marine Lab. Co-hosted by the UF/IFAS Shellfish Aquaculture Extension Program and DACS Division of Aquaculture, representatives from two federal agencies provided information about their programs. The workshop agenda can be downloaded here; presentations and handouts are provided below. In addition, you can watch recorded presentations via the Financial Assistance Programs for Shellfish Growers video playlist on YouTube.

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Hurricane Workshop Presentations and Marker Tag Program

A workshop on hurricane preparation and recovery for oyster growers was held Wednesday, July 31 in Franklin and Wakulla Counties by the UF/IFAS Shellfish Aquaculture Program. Presentations on oyster gear management, storm plans, and best management practices for shellfish gear are provided below. A program to provide tags to identify and mark oyster gear was introduced. Commercially available, durable marker tags will be made available to oyster growers with 2018-19 aquaculture certifications in Bay, Gulf, Franklin and Wakulla Counties. Growers may choose from 3 tag options. The number of tags received will depend on the number of growers who participate

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Understanding Financial Assistance Programs for Shellfish Growers:

A workshop on financial assistance programs for oyster growers in the Panhandle is being hosted by the UF/IFAS Shellfish Aquaculture Extension Program. The workshop will be held on Thursday, August 15 from 3:00 to 5:00 pm at the FSU Coastal and Marine Lab, 3618 Coastal Highway 98, St. Teresa. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) is responsible for the delivery of federal farm programs to help producers manage risks and recover from disasters. The Noninsured Disaster Assistance Program, or NAP, provides financial assistance to growers of non-insurable crops to protect them against natural disasters that result

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Videos and Handouts from Microalgal Culture Workshop

To address interest in microalgae culture and techniques for molluscan shellfish hatcheries, a two-day workshop was held on June 5-6, 2019 in Cedar Key. Dr. Gary Wikfors, Director of the NOAA Fisheries Laboratory in Milford, Connecticut, lead presentations and hands-on demonstrations. The workshop was co-hosted by Dr. Huiping Yang and Leslie Sturmer of the University of Florida/IFAS Molluscan Shellfish Aquaculture Program with funding provided through the NOAA National Sea Grant College Program.

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Hurricane Preparation and Recovery for Oyster Growers

A workshop on hurricane preparation and recovery for oyster growers in the Panhandle is being hosted by the UF/IFAS Shellfish Aquaculture Extension Program. The workshop will be held on Wednesday, July 31 and is being offered at two times and locations – from 2:00 to 4:30 pm at the FSU Coastal and Marine Lab, 3618 Coastal Highway 98, St. Teresa, and from 6:00 to 8:30 pm at the Wakulla County Extension Office, 84 Cedar Avenue, Crawfordville.

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Microalgae Culture Workshop and Webinar

To address interest in microalgae culture and techniques for molluscan shellfish hatcheries, a two-day workshop is being held on June 5-6, 2019 in Cedar Key. Dr. Gary Wikfors, Director of the NOAA Fisheries Laboratory in Milford, Connecticut, will lead presentations and hands-on demonstrations addressing the following topics: microalgae function, mass culture strategies, bivalve nutrition, chemical ecology of cultures, phytoplankton as bivalve foods, media preparation and aseptic transfers, and quantification methods. The workshop is co-hosted by Dr. Huiping Yang and Leslie Sturmer of the University of Florida/IFAS Molluscan Shellfish Aquaculture Program with funding provided through the NOAA National Sea Grant College Program.

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Harvesting and Aquaculture Education Training Workshops

To meet the annual training requirements for shellfish harvesting, handling, and transportation practices as required by the National Shellfish Sanitation Program (NSSP Guide Section II, Model Ordinance Chapter X), a series of workshops has been organized around Florida by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Aquaculture with assistance from the University of Florida IFAS and Florida Sea Grant. Following participation of the shellfish harvesting training, a signed certificate will be issued. 

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Microalgal Culture Workshop Postponed

The Microalgal Culture Workshop scheduled for January 30-31 in Cedar Key is postponed due to the continued shut-down of the federal government. Dr. Gary Wikfors, the guest speaker, is director of the NOAA Fisheries Laboratory in Milford, CT. He is a ‘non-essential’ federal government employee, who is currently not allowed to work. We hope to reschedule this workshop in the spring. Sorry for any inconvenience if you have made plans to travel to Cedar Key.

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