
Videos and Presentations from Shellfish Aquaculture Gear Workshop

Shellfish aquaculture gear management techniques and strategies to prevent gear loss were discussed at a workshop held on September 12, 2018. Hosted by the FDACS Division of Aquaculture, the workshop was held in partnership with the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation and NOAA’s Marine Debris Program. Guest speakers included Charles Grisafi, of NOAA’s Marine Debris Program, and Bob Rheault, Executive Director of the East Coast Shellfish Growers Association. Dr. Bill Walton, MS-AL Sea Grant, and Leslie Sturmer, UF-IFAS led panel discussions on oyster and clam gear management techniques which featured farmers and their personal experiences. The workshop was recorded and broken

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Shellfish Aquaculture Gear Workshop

Date: Wednesday, September 12th, 2018 1-5pm Location: FWC Senator Kirkpatrick Marine Lab, 11350 SW 153rd Court, Cedar Key, FL In partnership with the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation and NOAA’s Marine Debris Program, the FDACS Division of Aquaculture is hosting a workshop to discuss shellfish aquaculture gear management techniques and strategies to prevent gear loss. Guest speakers Charles Grisafi, of NOAA’s Marine Debris Program, and Bob Rheault, Executive Director of the East Coast Shellfish Growers Association, will discuss the importance of marine debris prevention as the shellfish aquaculture industry increases in size and begins utilizing new production methods and gear. Informal

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Videos and Presentations from Understanding USDA Farm Service Agency Programs Workshop

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) is responsible for the delivery of federal farm programs to help producers manage risks and recover from disasters. The Noninsured Disaster Assistance Program, or NAP, provides financial assistance to growers of non-insurable crops to protect them against natural disasters that result in crop losses. A workshop was held on August 24, 2018 to learn about coverage levels for the 2019 crop year, application deadlines, and which counties cover clam, oyster, and sunray venus crops. Note that the deadline to sign out for NAP coverage for the 2019 crop year is

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Travel Funds for Oyster Growers

Peer-To-Pier Fellowship Program The purpose of the Peer-To-Pier Fellowship Program, supported by an award from the National Sea Grant College Program and contributions from Oyster South, is to support peer-to-peer learning opportunities for oyster farmers in the southern US to attend industry conferences and shows, as well as visiting peers in other parts of the country to pursue learning opportunities. Funds may not be used to purchase seed or gear. Under this program, at least 8 awards of up to $1,000 each will be provided.

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Understanding the USDA Farm Service Agency Programs for Shellfish Growers

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) is responsible for the delivery of federal farm programs to help producers manage risks and recover from disasters. The Noninsured Disaster Assistance Program, or NAP, provides financial assistance to growers of non-insurable crops to protect them against natural disasters that result in crop losses. Learn about coverage levels for the 2019 crop year, application deadlines, and which counties cover oyster crops. The 2017 Wildfires and Hurricanes Indemnity Program, or WHIP, provides disaster relief to agricultural and aquacultural producers. This funding helps replace losses occurred during the 2017 hurricane season. Learn

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Industry Inputs on Aquaculture Priorities Requested by USDA

To address the current needs and challenges facing the aquaculture industry, stakeholders and industry members have been invited to voice their opinions. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Aquaculture National Program, and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) use this information to prioritize and establish frameworks for aquaculture research and extension programs over the next five years. In 2013, shellfish priorities included domestication of oysters, reproduction, health tools, and production technology. A full list of the 2013 sessions can be found here. To continue the discussion, you are invited to participate in the 2018 online

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GoM Shellfish Initiative: Stakeholder Feedback

To advance the nation’s first regional shellfish initiative, the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission provided funding to the Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium. The Gulf of Mexico Shellfish Initiative (GoMexSI) team engaged a broad range of stakeholders including shellfish farmers, shellfish harvesters, environmental organizations, state and local management agencies, foundations, and others to identify strategies to be implemented in the future to ensure sustainable shellfish populations for current and future generations.

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Presentations and Video of Triploid Oyster Culture Workshop Available

Natural triploids of the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica have only been available for commercial use for the past 15-17 years elsewhere in the U.S., and not until 2014 in Florida. Despite the proof of concept in other coastal states, there is a need to understand whether the application of triploidy in the development of the emergent industry in Florida will result in increased production and economic gains. Florida represents the southernmost limit of natural distribution for the eastern oyster in the United States. In contrast to other states, Florida’s subtropical water temperatures result in a prolonged spawning season for oysters.

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USDA Implements Hurricane Recovery Funding

2017 Wildfires and Hurricanes Indemnity Program (WHIP) to Aid Recovery in Rural Communities  U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will make disaster payments of up to $2.36 billion, as provided by Congress, to help America’s farmers and ranchers recover from hurricanes and wildfires. The funds are available as part of the new 2017 Wildfires and Hurricanes Indemnity Program (2017 WHIP). Authorized by the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018, sign-up for the new program will begin no later than July 16.  USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) will make these disaster payments to agricultural producers

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Workshops: Application of Triploidy to Oyster Culture

To address increased interest in oyster aquaculture on Florida’s west coast, an applied research and demonstration project was conducted during 2016-17 to evaluate an oyster breeding process to local conditions. Diploid and triploid oysters were cultured at commercial farms in four counties and at the UF experimental site in Cedar Key, where replicated field trials allowed for documenting effects of several management practices on production. Workshops will be held on Thursday, May 3, 2018 at the FSU Coastal and Marine Laboratory, 3618 Coastal Hwy 98, St. Teresa, FL; and Friday, May 4, 2018 at the FWC Senator George Kirkpatrick Marine

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