In partnership with the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Aquaculture, the UF/IFAS Shellfish Aquaculture Extension Program began offering a series of workshops on oyster culture in 2013 to bring current information to interested clam farmers, fishermen, and others. These workshops typically have been held in two locations – FSU Coastal and Marine Lab in St. Teresa and Senator Kirkpatrick Marine Lab in Cedar Key. Over the years, workshops have addressed a variety of topics to assist new oyster growers in developing their businesses. These include culture gear, lease modifications, marketing, gear management, hurricane preparedness, and financial assistance programs. More recently, a webinar was held in 2020 bringing together resources from several universities to try and explain unexplainable mortalities in cultured oysters.
Presentations and hand-out materials from each workshop can be accessed by clicking on the menu selection. Many of the workshops were video-taped and can be viewed at each workshop page or at the Videos page. DVDs are also available upon request (see Contact Us).