Introduction to Oyster Culture

Intro Oyster Culture Workshop_AGENDA-sm

September 26, 2013

This workshop focused on introducing intensive ouster culture operations and Florida’s experiences.


Topics and guest speakers included:

  • Introduction to Intensive Oyster Aquaculture, Leslie Sturmer, UF IFAS Shellfish Aquaculture Extension Program
  • Rules of the Road: Modification of leases to water column usage, navigational marking requirements, other permits, BMPs pertaining to seed sources, Portia Sapp, DACS Division of Aquaculture
  • Rules of the Road: Oyster harvesting, handling, and processing, Kim Norgren, DACS Division of Aquaculture
  • Off-bottom Oyster Farming Gear and Methods Developed for the Gulf of Mexico, William (Bill) Walton, Auburn University Shellfish Laboratory and Alabama Cooperative Extension System


  • Off-bottom Oyster Farming, Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Fisheries and Aquaculture Series, July 2012. Note permitting information on pages 5-6 pertains to Alabama, not Florida.


Introduction to Intensive Oyster Aquaculture
Introduction to Intensive Oyster Aquaculture PICTURE













Rules of the Road: Lease modification, permits, and seed BMPs
Rules of the Road: Lease modification, permits, and seed BMPs PICTURE













Rules of the Road: Oyster harvesting, handling, and processing
Rules of the Road: Oyster harvesting, handling, and processing PICTURE













Off-bottom Oyster Culture Developed for the Gulf of Mexico
Off-bottom Oyster Culture Developed for the Gulf of Mexico PICTURE











